Eine persönliche Erfahrung
Der kluge Regenbaum
I can´t give you a good book review, i must read them first 🙂
Now i hope, i can find the time to read this books.
Because, nowadays i must read much about God, and not only the Christian God. The topic of the lecture is God in History. That also includes the System of Polytheism as well as the believe in one God. And of course not only Religon is
important here, also Philosophie, for example Platon´s Work. I think especially the work “symposium” from Platon is qualified for this theme. The key word in the Symposium of Platon is Eros, the God of love. Sokrates and some others talk in that Symposium about this topic. What does the human being desire? The human being desires the same as the God Eros, because Eros loves the Beauty. And what is the Beauty? Somehow we sense the Beauty always as the Good thing, means we try to find the absolute Good through the Beauty… because only of that people can find the way to immortality.. The biggest desire of a human being is immortality! Because the believing into a place like the paradies/heaven means also immortality!
But my explanation is really bad you should read for yourself, thats always better!