smoking smoking smoking!



It´s difficult to write that in japanese, i mean most of german smokers, me including, made their cigarettes by themselfes. All you need is a filter, paper and tobacco!
In german you should say: Ich dreh mir mal eine 😉
But i think most of the japanese smokers buy a box or case of done cigarettes. I don´t know if you can buy utensils in japan to build your on cigarette?? But of course, there are shops where you can buy such things! (hope so!!)




I´m really sad and downcast about that! It´s not only you who must go back to Japan, there is also another girlfriend. It´s allways difficult to start again from the beginning and i´m really happy that i met you, talked to you and to be your friend. But i´m also sad because i can´t help you in this time. You are so kind, interessting and talented person. I´m really glad that i can say she is my Friend.
Heyyyy don´t forget this, where ever you are i will stay your friend!いついつまでも!!!And maybe there will be a chance that you can stay here or you decide to come back, i hope so!
Thank you so much T.!!!
And also Thanks to you too M.!



